
blueberries on a branch
March 30, 2022

The April newsletter has been sent out.

a beet wearing headphones
March 23, 2022

We have lots of creative people in the NCR FSMA network.  Check out the song parodies that Ben Marshall and Adam Inman have written!

cleaning a bin with a sander
March 18, 2022

Jordan DeVries shared about his mini-grant project.

four pictures of the same field in different seasons
February 28, 2022

The March newsletter has been sent out.

first page of the 2021 Impact Report
February 22, 2022

The 2021 evaluation report and the shorter impact report for the NCR FSMA have both been released.

three deer eating leafy greens in a field
February 17, 2022

James Dedecker spoke about wildlife management at the most recent listening session.

home-canned fruits in glass jars
January 31, 2022

In the February 2022 newsletter, you'll find information about our upcoming annual conference, virtual meetings to discuss the proposed water rule changes (for educators and growers), and a job opportunity that would let you move to Iowa.  Please register by Feb. 25 for the annual conference.

watering a vegetable field from overhead
December 22, 2021

Read the latest NCR FSMA newsletter.

horses plowing in a field
December 17, 2021

Catch up on the latest listening session.

page with correct and incorrect answers in a list
December 10, 2021

Changes were made to the PSA knowledge assessment pre-test.

packshed handbook on a wooden  table
November 30, 2021

Read the December NCR FSMA newsletter.

farmer working on farm equipment
October 29, 2021

Inside the newsletter, you can read information about upcoming meetings for those who work with niche audiences; an answer from Kristin Esch about cardboard box re-use; and two new success stories.

cardboard box with green peppers inside of it
October 08, 2021

At a recent inspectors' meeting, the issue of reusing cardboard boxes was discussed.  FDA Produce Safety Expert Kristin Esch wrote this response.

apples in a plastic crate
September 29, 2021

In this newsletter, you'll find information about the October professional development meeting; translation updates; and new resources.

powerpoint presentation screenshot
September 17, 2021

Angela Shaw re-capped the 2018-2021 grant accomplishments. 

August 31, 2021

The September newsletter has been sent out.

figure comparing knowledge gain from in-person courses and remote PSA courses
August 16, 2021

The results of the Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training knowledge assessments were released today.

two blackberries on a white background
July 29, 2021

Read the August 2021 newsletter for the NCR FSMA.

July 06, 2021

A reminder of how to connect with rTAN prior to an inspection

drip irrigation system on a field under plastic
June 29, 2021

Inside this newsletter, you’ll read Joe Hannan’s good-bye note; information about the upcoming meeting with FDA staff (submit your topics of conversation by July 15); and our latest success story about a grower in Missouri.


speech bubbles
June 18, 2021

We had a quick listening session in June.  If you have ideas for utilizing funds from a possible no-cost extension, please enter them in the Qualtrics survey.

12 pictures of herb leaves
May 27, 2021

Read the June 2021 NCR FSMA newsletter.

first page of the executive summary
May 24, 2021

For four years, the NCR FSMA has worked with PSA trainers to conduct a follow-up survey with grower training participants approximately one year after taking the course. 

line drawings of a binder, a training, and an online certficate
May 20, 2021

Catch up on this month's listening session.

computer keyboard with the phrase "submit your manuscript"
April 30, 2021

This month’s newsletter includes two invitations to submit manuscripts, a reminder that mini grants are still available, and a virtual summer internship opportunity for a student. 


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