
washing cucumbers in a packing facility
August 31, 2022

The September Newsletter has been sent out.

pictures representing the four most common changes made by growers
August 29, 2022

The most recent follow-up survey found that 76% of growers who responded to the survey improved food safety practice, infrastructure, or equipment since the training.


screenshot from the August presentation
August 19, 2022

Byron Chaves presented at the August listening session about "Developing Food Safety Plans for Processors."

group touring the aquaculture facility
August 09, 2022

An in-person event is being planned for this fall.

three blackberries on a white background
July 29, 2022

The August newsletter was sent out this morning.

video about biosolids.  This is a cow walking over manure.
July 22, 2022

Kristin Esch from the FDA and Laura Boczek from the EPA spoke about biosolids on July 21. 

thought bubble that reads "your opinion matters"
June 28, 2022

The July newsletter was recently sent out.

screenshot from the June presentation
June 20, 2022

Kathiravan Krishnamurthy (from Illinois Tech) presented on Novel Processing Techniques at the June listening session.

June 09, 2022

USDA efforts to create more and better markets will benefit both producers and American consumers through fairer prices, as well as address longstanding issues intensified by pandemic

child's painting of a vegetable garden
May 27, 2022

The June 2022 newsletter has been sent out.

powerpoint slide from the presentation on sustainable packaging
May 20, 2022

Catch up on the most recent listening session.

carrots in a variety of colors
April 29, 2022

The May 2022 newsletter has been sent out.

risk odometer
April 25, 2022

The NCR FSMA listening session was held Thursday, April 21.

blueberries on a branch
March 30, 2022

The April newsletter has been sent out.

a beet wearing headphones
March 23, 2022

We have lots of creative people in the NCR FSMA network.  Check out the song parodies that Ben Marshall and Adam Inman have written!

cleaning a bin with a sander
March 18, 2022

Jordan DeVries shared about his mini-grant project.

four pictures of the same field in different seasons
February 28, 2022

The March newsletter has been sent out.

first page of the 2021 Impact Report
February 22, 2022

The 2021 evaluation report and the shorter impact report for the NCR FSMA have both been released.

three deer eating leafy greens in a field
February 17, 2022

James Dedecker spoke about wildlife management at the most recent listening session.

home-canned fruits in glass jars
January 31, 2022

In the February 2022 newsletter, you'll find information about our upcoming annual conference, virtual meetings to discuss the proposed water rule changes (for educators and growers), and a job opportunity that would let you move to Iowa.  Please register by Feb. 25 for the annual conference.

smartphone conversation
January 14, 2022

The NCR FSMA is planning another virtual conference for March 2022.

watering a vegetable field from overhead
December 22, 2021

Read the latest NCR FSMA newsletter.

horses plowing in a field
December 17, 2021

Catch up on the latest listening session.

page with correct and incorrect answers in a list
December 10, 2021

Changes were made to the PSA knowledge assessment pre-test.

December 10, 2021

FDA Issues Improvement Plan Focused on Modernizing Foodborne Illness Outbreak Responses

This plan is designed to help the FDA and their partners enhance the speed, effectiveness, coordination and communication of foodborne outbreak investigations. They are confident that the actions outlined in this plan will in turn translate into activities focused on enhancing the prevention of outbreaks.


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