Shannon Coleman from Iowa State University and Jason Grimm and Claire Zabel from Iowa Valley Resource Conservation and Development presented on their FSOP awards. Kristin Esch briefly spoke about yearly supervisor training, and people shared upcoming trainings in their states. Watch the recording or listen to just the audio through our Box account. Contact us if you don’t have access.
Resources share from Claire Zabel - Iowa Valley RC&D to Everyone : Clean Start Handouts:
Upcoming Events: from Londa Nwadike : KSU/MU has a wildlife control and food safety webinar if anyone is interested:
From Annalisa Hultberg: MN is hosting a Hmong-language training March 31-April 2 and we have a few spots still open. Registration is open through this Sunday.
From Billy Mitchell: Farmers as PSA Trainers webinar on Thursday, March 25th, from 2-3pm Central. Registration link: 14:50:04
From James Theuri: Illinois Farm Bureau-sponsored PSA Training March 23 and 24, virtually
From Phil Tocco: Supervisor training online at Mich State.
From Elizabeth Bihn: Remote Spanish PSA TTT April 12-15, 2021 (opening tonight) and Remote Spanish PSA Grower Training April 22-23 (registration is open)